Saturday, September 23, 2023


The Cargo Plane !

 The Cargo Plane ! 

I had a weird dream early this morning where I saw myself navigating a huge cargo aeroplane on my own, me as the sole pilot and occupant in the entire aircraft ! 

Being a cargo air ship it was full of all sorts of small and large cartons, bags and the likes. I saw myself flying the massive craft at very high altitudes and could visualise the ninety thousand meter mark ! (Too high for an aircraft all right, but it seems I was comfortable  no doubt ! ) 

I thought I had mastered the art of flying the mammoth  machine and suddenly realised that it was not the aircraft but my own fat body afloat ! 

Well, the dream over,  I began thinking about the dream now fully awake. Indeed the Cargo aircraft was none other than me, collecting and carrying all sorts of Ego-Cargo overboard ! I had not dropped any of the heavy loads en-route , which I was supposed to do intermittently ! It seems I kept collecting large numbers of bags and cartons that were in fact empty, vacant ! And it meant I was carrying phoney, barren dreams all along ! I was ever eager to keep adding tinsel and trash within my persona, which was like a huge cargo aircraft accepting everything in its belly and carrying it too in high thin air ! 

I was shocked while realising true import of the dream. It has been the Ego-Cargo that has been a burden unto me so far, which I should have put aside long ago. However, it’s not late even now since that can lighten my steps and add velocity to my onward journey. Yes, I wish to travel deep down within myself and not keep floating in outer thin air. 

Oh, that heavy burden of अष्टाहंकार

Dr. P. S. Rahalkar

23 September 2023 

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