Saturday, November 27, 2021


Conventions !

 Conventions ! 

There are certain words in English as well as vernacular languages, which denote deeper meanings than the actual  word used. Conventions is such of those. 

By convention we normally mean some set traditions that may or may not be violated. Those are not ‘rules’ as such but are frequently observed in right earnest. 

In vernacular languages we use the term संकेत, which mean ‘a sign’, indication, signal, symbol, etiquette , a notion and of course Convention ! 

Now, how are any Conventions set anyway ? We come across so many of them right from womb to tomb ! Those happen to be the so-called ‘rituals’, which somehow are religiously followed. By ‘religiously’ I mean rather orthodoxically that may not possess a convincing rationale somehow. Those are just followed as rote or routine. 

Do we feel sad or guilty if one fails to observe those ? Yes, because even though not illegal, we are somehow accustomed to obey certain conventions even if those may look odd or out of place occasionally. The reason being our getting ‘tuned’ to the notion. Our mindset becomes so rigid at times that defies reasoning and logic anyway. 

I would not venture listing out ‘Conventions’ as such since we are aware of those already. 

Why do we feel guilty or sad for not observing certain norms ! It is because our inner conscience or सद्सद्विवेक or power of discrimination is ever alert, which does not allow trespassing the set norms. Now, who has set even the ‘norms’ ? It’s the long drawn traditions borne out of personal or collective   experiences in the past.. 

It is indeed fascinating, ruminating over set conventions ! It is like a blind-folded individual lost in a crowd ! Bewildered, one just comes across thousands of conventions he was bound to thus far ! Can he overthrow those and come out with a clearer conscience ? Intriguing indeed, because as they say ‘old habits die hard’,  one becomes habituated to those. And therefore one just cannot abandon them. 

I vividly remember a phrase quite commonly used, that is, there are two ways of tackling a problem. One is the ‘conventional method’ born out of wide experience and another a quicker one, a short-cut method which may not be reliable. (I used to chose the later being always hard pressed with ‘times’ ! ) 

Pardon me for the usual diversion on my part. However, what I intend to say is that ‘Conventions’ are often acceptable, being time tested. One should follow the set conventions as far as possible, since that ensures harmony in the society at large. I very well remember the words of my Head-Master in school on our first Independence Day. He had defined the word Independence lucidly. He had said that independence means a sense of responsibility unto fellow citizens, who must always be respected because that is the age-old convention for a civilised society. 

We have been following all sorts of rituals and conventions for ages ; however, did we ever give a thought to those ? Here is the platform to share your thoughts. Please do not hesitate to broadcast them ! 

Dr. P. S. Rahalkar

27 November 2021 

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