Friday, July 30, 2021


London Tube (underground ) travel

 London Tube (underground) Travel ! 

I travelled all the way from Stanmore to Stratford on the Jubilee line after almost seven years ! It was fun, because I didn’t require purchasing a travel-card nor get out of the house wearing  my walking-cum-sports shoes and shouldering a haversack full of snacks, juices and a water bottle, and without using my walking stick either ! (I travelled seated comfortably in our Aditya Shagun apartment sipping some good Wah Taj Tea ! )

However, I got the best accommodation in the train, just next to the Motorman ! It was indeed great to watch all the stations once again, which I had frequented earlier on many occasions. This time I could also know some history of the Jubilee line and its stations along with their geography as well ! I was astonished to see the train crossing  underneath the Thames at least four times during one single journey ! I was able to visit Wembley, Neasden, green park, Westminster, London Bridge, Waterloo, Canary Wharf and Stratford overground as well. It was fun reminiscing good old places I had visited earlier on good many occasions. 

And that makes me nostalgic ! As someone amongst you had remarked, I have indeed moved within London much more by now, than the people staying there for decades ! Indeed I cherish all those places in my bosom because I loved London undoubtedly. 

Of course the credit goes to Shrish, Alka and Ashnaa too, who facilitated and encouraged me to undertake such outings on my own. Usha accompanied me on many occasions but it was a solo run by and large. 

Besides the Jubilee I have travelled on almost all lines, more than a dozen of those. It is fascinating indeed, when one travels without a pre-determined route because then you have all the liberty to travel length and breadth (and even the depth ! ) of such a huge Metropolis as London. 

Besides travel one watches people getting in and out of the train. Those travelling alone immerse themselves in a book they are carrying or get busy with cell-phones. The couples begin cooing and family people control their children effectively. One can easily distinguish a ‘foreigner’ to this land by his visible unrest and anxiety. (I travelled most of the time as if I was born and brought up here itself ! ) 

The journey is usually silent, that is without words spoken although the shrill noise of the rails underneath  make you a bit irritable. It is unlike a bus travel particularly past eleven AM, where one listens to continuous blabber of the elderly folk ! (I had learnt through their accent alone, whether they were British or otherwise ! ) 

Coming back to the ‘tube’ ! Well, the frequent announcements about the present and next stations keep you awake and alert. The tone and delivery of the announcer is typically just the same all over England, yes even in Birmingham, Leister or Timbuktu ! 

I am aware of your getting ‘bored’ at this stage, and therefore I shall leave hold of you right now, but may be we will meet at Charing Cross some day in future !! 

Dr. P. S. Rahalkar


30 July 2021 

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