Thursday, February 01, 2018


Atmaram Chapter Five स्वानुभव निरूपण

Atmaram Chapter 5. स्वानुभव निरूपण

Verse 1

जय जयाजी स्वामी सर्वेश्वरा । आम्हां अनाथांचिया माहेरा ।
सार्थक झालें जी दातारा । तुमच्या कृपा कटाक्षें      ॥१॥

On experiencing Self-Realisation the disciple prayed unto the Master, “ O Sadguru ! You are verily God personified ! You are the very refuge for us meek beings. Hail unto You ! O the Compassionate One, You looked at me benevolently and therefore I am fully contented and obliged. “

All humans are endowed with certain exceptional attributes that keep surfacing from time to time. One of those is gratefulness or being indebted. One usually acknowledges by just an exclaim such as Thank you or You are welcome.
However, when one truly feels obliged on receiving some favour or favourable gestures, his reciprocation is a little more cordial.

But while it comes to paying tribute or expressing indebtedness to a great and noble person, one’s expression is yet more humble and affectionate. Nevertheless, in case of Sadguru or the Lord Divine, the expression is overwhelming, extremely humble and meek. In fact words are useless on that occasion. Indeed, such experience in itself is most enlightening, gratifying and extremely pleasing. We were indeed very fortunate to experience those benevolent looks from many many great people on this planet thus far.

Verse 2

या मनाचेनि संगती । जन्म घेतले पुनरावृत्ती. ।
माया माईक असोनि भ्राती । वरपडें जाहलों होतो. ॥२॥

The disciple submits that one is born again and again being lured by Maya. Even while it is true that Maya is false and illusive, one gets deluded and entangled at her behests.

Human conscience is made of four intrinsic entities, which are the mind, intellect, ego sense and conscience as such, collectively famous as ‘internal tools’.
Now, Conscience envisages collection of entire feelings, emotions and experiences including memory. Intellect concerns thinking, storing, expressing and discriminating, which are hallmarks of brilliance or excellence. (Medha is super intelligence). The Mind is nothing but a bundle of desires. However, it is extremely fickle and therefore very very difficult to tame and control. Trying to control it is akin to collecting mercury particles splashed on the floor, as per Sri Dnyaneshwar Maharaj. And lastly the Ego. Oh ! It’s the greatest obstacle between us and the Divine. Nevertheless, it makes one’s personality evident enough.
However, the Mind possesses unique importance. It is verily the link that joins very subtle ‘being-ness’ with the gross visible world. It is mind that interacts with the visible world in order to bring about activity as such. It demonstrates distinctions and aberrations as well as tendency for attachment. Therefore it is also the seat of Ignorance too ! In fact, the power of mind is verily that of ignorance. That is exactly why even greatest of persons succumb to its whims. It lures even best of aspirants. Entire delusions inhabit the Mind alone.
In fact, the Intellect keeps warning about phoney-ness of the world, but the mind does not allow delusions about the world destroy. The mind binds the being with shackles of desires and times. Therefore the being has no other option but to revolve in cycles of repeated births and deaths. That is why the very purpose of spiritual way of life is to change mindset for the better.
Verse 3

जी मी मानवी किंकर । येकायेकीं जाहलों विश्वंभर ।
संदेह तुटला थोर । यातायातीचा.          ॥३॥
(किंकर=दास ; विश्वंभर=जगाचा पालन-पोषणकर्ता)

Sir, I was an ordinary individual, a slave of the visible world thus far. However, That ‘me’ have become very Sovereign of the universe all of a sudden ! And therefore I am now free from entire worries and travails of repeated births and deaths.

Verse 4
मी संसारीहून सुटलों । पैलपार पावलों ।
मीच सकळ विस्तारलों । सर्वांभूतीं.   ॥४॥

I am now free from the notion of doer-ship as well as being an enjoyer. I have crossed the worldly ocean and reached far shores of Self-Realisation and therefore I am  aware that I alone pervade entire beings as Chaitanya.

This indeed is a verse that demonstrates actual experience of “Aham Brahmasmi”, the intermediate stage of Self-Realisation of being Brahmam, nothing less than that. We used the word intermediate  because two riders still remain along with the word Brahmam. One is Aham, which denotes ego still lurking around and the other Asmi, denoting ‘time’. In fact Brahmam transcends both !

When humans are born they cry out ‘Kyaha, Kyaha” meaning ‘ko-ham’, “who am I “ after all !
He becomes aware of his body as he grows and then says, “Deho-ham”, meaning I Am the Body. Still later, on being battered by worldly idiosyncrasies he searches for a Master or Guru and while serving him he declares, “Daso-ham” I Am the servant, a Das.
The Master or Guru shows him the way and instructs, “ Tat Twam Asi”, meaning you are That, verily Brahmam !
The disciple continues his Sadhana and realises that he is Brahmam and so declares as “Aham Brahma Asmi”, however with two riders as mentioned above.
However, while continuation of his Sadhana he realises entire things and beings are also Brahmam and says “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma”.
Still later he says “Ayam Atma Brahmam”, there is nothing other than Brahmam !
And in that Blissful state he keeps breathing in the rhythm of “So-Ham, So-ham, So-Ham” with every breath until only ‘Aham-Aham’ remains, which finally culminates  as “Om” without any prefix or suffix !!
Ultimately, He merges and ‘becomes’ (!) “Om” !!!

(And That is True Swanubhava (Experience of the Self) for the Aspirant, which is consistent with description of “KRAMA-YOGI” as expounded in the Geeta and Jnyaneshwari.)

Verse 5
मी करून अकर्ता । मी परेहून पर्ता ।
मजमध्यें वार्ता । मी पणाची नाही. ॥५॥

Although it appears that I perform actions, I am not the doer. I transcend even “Para”, the fourth and subtlest forms of speech that is in the form of ‘inspiration’ or urge. There is no ‘Me-ness’ with me whatever.

Now, the narrator of this verse is not the ordinary ‘me’ of the physical body but the “Me” that has established himself in the conviction of being Brahmam. This Me is One with the Lord Divine and so ‘speaks’ alike, transcending all forms of speech including Para-Vani.

An anecdote comes to mind. Swami once asked an aspirant, “who are you?”. On getting the reply as being so and so, He asked another question, “where did you come from and where are you going?”
On listening to whatever the person said, Swami said that you should travel from Me to Us, and from Us to Him !
(We are all alone in the beginning while pursuing Sadhan. Later we are joined by so many others on the way, but the ultimate goal must be Him the Lord Divine, who dwells within everyone !!)

Verse 6
ऐसें जे निजबीज । गाळीव मी पणाचा फुंज ।
तो मुरलिया सहज । सीधचि आदिअंतीं.   ॥६॥
(निजबीज=आत्मस्वरूपाचे मूळ; गाळीव=सूक्ष्मतम; फुंज=गर्व)

The conviction of being Brahmam is indeed very subtle me-ness. However, it accommodates very seed of Self-Experience. While this subtle awareness of being Brahmam also merges into oblivion, what remains is Experience of the pristine pure Form of Lord Divine. Indeed, that glorious self-evident form persists eternally from beginning to end.

Verse 7
ऐसा शिष्याचा संकल्पु । जाणोनि बोले भवरिपु ।
संसारसर्प भग्नदर्पु । केला जेणें.         ॥७॥
(रिपु=शत्रू ; संसार सर्प=कर्तेपण ; भग्नदर्प=गर्वाचा नाश केलेला)

The Master listened to that emphatic statement from the disciple intently. Now, how is the Master like ? Indeed, he is enemy for births and deaths. Moreover, he is the destroyer of ego that keeps hissing every now and then, the serpent representing ego of doer-ship.

Indeed, Principle role of the Sadguru is to guide the disciple on to Royal road to Self-Realisation. He removes entire thorns in the form of doubt and suspicion ; he prevents calamities and dangers lurking around representing deadly snakes ; moreover, he cautions against pitfalls and slippery routes such as passion and sensuality. He demonstrates through precept and example virtues like detachment and egoless ness.

Verse 8.
जें स्वामीच्या हृदयीं होते । तें शिष्यांसी बाणलें अवचितें ।
जैसें सामर्थ्यें परीसातें । लोहो आंगीं बाणे.          ॥८॥

Just as power of the legendary stone Parees converts iron into gold by a mere touch, entire Self-Experience with the Master easily percolated by virtue of his grace within conscience of the disciple.

Verse 9
स्वामीपरीसाचा स्पर्ष होतां । शिष्य परिसचि जाला तत्वतां ।
गुरूशिष्याची ऐक्यता । जाली स्वानुभवें.      ॥९॥

Mere touch of the Master representing legendary Parees transformed the disciple representing iron into Parees itself ! It simply means that Self-Experience of both Master and disciple is just the same !!

This particular verse unearths a very subtle and special relation between the Sadguru and his disciple. Indeed, there have been some outstanding Master-Disciples pairs in the long and glorious history of India. Mention must be made of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa as Master and Swami Vivekananda as greatest of Disciples. Sri Ramakrishna was fully enlightened ; however, Narendra was a truly inquisitive disciple. He would never accept anything blindly. He would always test everything on the touchstone of Sea-Experience. All of us are aware of the yeoman services he rendered unto Indian religious philosophy.

Verse 10
गुज स्वामीच्या हृदयीचें । शिष्यास वर्म तयाचें ।
प्राप्त जालें योगियांचें । निजबीज.         ॥१०॥

The Master was ever immersed in blissful state of Enlightenment. However, when the disciple too attained that status, he could experience very secret therein. He could understand the basic tenet, which is the subject matter for Yogis to meditate upon.

Verse 11

बहुतां जन्मांच्या शेवटीं । जाली स्वरूपेंसी भेटी ।
येका भावार्थासाठीं । परब्रह्म जोडलें.       ॥११॥

The ‘being’ was born on umpteen occasions. However he could acquire
Experience of the Self at long last. In fact, allegiance to only one tenet made him tune in with Divinity.

Indeed, this one single tenet may be singled out as ‘introspection’. The being begins to turn his vision from the outer visible world along with its idiosyncrasies, passions and desires etc towards his true self within him only. He gradually finds that his inner conscience is replete with immense joy and bliss. Moreover, he experiences immense peace while forgetting the outer world outright. Indeed, he discovers himself within him.

Verse 12

जो वेदशास्त्रांचा गर्भ । निर्गुण परमात्मा स्वयंभ ।
तयाचा येकसरां लाभ । जाला सद्भावें.       ॥१२॥

Attribute-less, Self-Evident  Lord Divine is the very basis, very principle for Vedas and entire Shastra. He is attainable the moments one tries to Know Him dispassionately with absolute allegiance unto Him.

Verse 13

जें ब्रह्मादिकांचें माहेर । अनंत सुखांचें भांडार ।
जेणें हा दुर्गम संसार । सुखरूप होये.      ॥१३॥

The Lord Divine is the very refuge for entire Gods such as Brahmadev and the likes. He is the Treasure of Absolute Bliss. And therefore it is Joy all the way to cross this worldly ocean while one attains True Knowledge About Him.

Two aspects need to be remembered here. One is to possess or acquire very penchant to Know and experience Him and another is have a pure, doubtless allegiance or faith in Him being there. A clear and pure conscience is impossible without abandoning entire desires and passions along with gross as well as subtle ego that accompanies those. Possessing absolute allegiance or faith in the Divine is indeed Devotion unto Him the Divine.
Now, one says that this worldly ocean is very difficult to cross since it is fraught with umpteen dangers lurking therein. Sri Dnyanadev has very vividly described all those obstacles while crossing the River representing Maya. Nevertheless, he furnishes comfort and solace to ordinary humans, aspirants and even the enlightened ones that the ‘boatman’ Sadguru helps cross the River diligently, if only one has full faith in Him !

Verse 14

ऐसें जयास ज्ञान जालें । तयाचें बंधन तुटलें ।
येरां नसोनीच जडलें । सदृढ अविवेकें.     ॥१४॥
While one acquires  Knowledge of the Self (आत्मज्ञान) his entire shackles binding him to this world fall apart. However, those who are unable to acquire it are bound by worldly shackles which are in fact non-existent, due to lack of discriminative faculty between true and untrue, permanent versus ephemeral, righteous versus unrighteousness and so on.

Indeed, the so called ‘shackles’ never exist. We imagine those out of our ignorance. It is like a person embracing tree trunk and calling out for help, saying the tree is not leaving its hold !

Verse 15

संदेह हेंचि बंधन । निःशेष तुटला तेंचि ज्ञान ।
नि:संदेही समाधान । होये आपैसें.        ॥१५॥

In fact, doubt and suspicion regarding one’s own True Self is real bondage, whereas getting rid of entire doubts and ficklenesses of mind is True Knowledge. Moreover, while the conscience firmly establishes itself where there is not even an iota of doubt, one experiences immense peace and contentment.

Faith over oneself is the crux of human life, be it worldly or spiritual. This faith in itself is the strongest tool one can possess since it provides a purpose to life, a conviction to strive. However, as the Lord says in the Geeta, संशयात्मा विनश्यती !

Verse 16

प्राणियास माया सुटेना । अभिमानें त्रिपुटी तुटेना ।
वृत्त्ति स्वरूपीं फुटेना । स्फूर्तिरूपें.           ॥१६॥

It is very difficult for common ordinary humans to abandon attachment to worldly matters. Moreover those possess ego, the ego of ‘doer-ship’ and  ever engrossed in the threesome, namely doer, action and activity. Therefore, there is not even the urge to Know his own True Self, which is Atma all the way.

Verse 17

जें मायाजाळीं पडिले । ते ईश्वरासी चुकले ।
ते प्राणी सांपडले । वासनाबंधनीं       ॥१७॥

Those entangled in coils of Maya very naturally miss the Lord Divine, since they are engrossed in sensuality.

We have already considered nature of Maya during the second chapter of this work and therefore we are aware of its being phoney. Nevertheless, natural human instincts are to get engrossed in sensuality, a natural attributes of beings other than humans.
The Saints are ever engaged in reminding us that we are Human and not animals and therefore we must abandon entire animal traits outright. Animals are ever concerned with feeding themselves or copulating. Those possess obnoxious traits, which the humans must avoid at any cost. Saints exhort to become good human beings first (नर) and then only can dream of ‘becoming’ नारायण !
The only mechanism to discard animal traits is to get rid of wants and desires in the first place that are real ‘bondage’ for human beings.

Verse 18

जयाचें दैव उदेलें । तयास ज्ञान प्राप्त झालें ।
तयाचें बंधन तुटलें । नि:संगपणें.        ॥१८॥

Only the fortunate ones are entitled to ‘acquire’ Knowledge, which is Knowledge of the Self (आत्मज्ञान) . He becomes free from ‘bondage’ since entire desires are destroyed outright and he is detached.

Verse 19

सर्वसाक्षी तुर्या अवस्था । तयेचाही तूं जाणता. ।
म्हणोनी तुज नि:संगता । सहजचि आली.   ॥१९॥

Turiya state, which transcends waking dream and deep sleep stage, is a state of being perpetual witness status. And You being Atma are aware of that state as well. Which is exactly why You as Atma are detached from all other states.

Verse 20

आपणांसी तूं जाणसी । तरी तूं ही नव्हेसी ।
तूंपणाची कायेसी । मात स्वरूपीं       ॥२०॥

Even while one recognises himself being Form of the Self, he is still not the All pervading Omniself, because there is nothing like ‘me-ness’ with the Omniself anyway !

The ‘being’ never forgets body consciousness during waking, dream or deep sleep stage. It is the Turiya State that recognises him as Atma, transcending ignorance. Although the latter state is more welcome, both knowledge and ignorance are relative terms. Therefore knowledge dispels ignorance first and then merges itself into the Divine.
This concept of dispelling ignorance as well as knowledge is beautifully explained by Sri Dnyaneshwar Maharaj in Amrutanubhava under captions of अज्ञान खंडन & ज्ञान खंडन.

Verse 21

जाणता आणि वस्तु । दोन्ही निमाल्यां उर्वरितु ।
तूंपणाची मातु । सहजचि वाव.           ॥२१॥

While the Knower who Knows and the thing to be known disappear altogether, both ‘me-ness’ and ‘you-ness’ also vanish and what remains is pure Consciousness. There is no room for ‘me-ness’ whatever.

Verse 22

आतां असो शब्द पाल्हाळ । तुझें तुटलें जन्ममूळ ।
कां जें नाशिवंत सकळ । मदार्पण केलें.       ॥२२॥

Enough of this verbiage now ! Since you have offered everything mortal unto Me, very reason for you being born again doesn’t exist anymore. You are now free from cycles of birth-deaths !

Indeed, the words Maya, desires, sensuality, perishability, body-consciousness, ‘me-ness’ etc are synonyms. Only the Omniself is eternal.

Verse 23

जें जें जाणोनि टाकिलें । ते ते नाशिवंत, राहिले ।
तुझे तुज प्राप्त झालें । अक्षईपद.         ॥२३॥

Whatever you understood through notion of ‘me-ness’ is absolutely perishable, mortal and you abandoned all that knowingly. Now, on abandoning everything mortal, what remains is your true, eternal and permanent form, which you are now aware of.

While the Master guides the disciple, he is educating him upon discrimination between the permanent and ephemeral, just versus unjust, right from wrong, in short between Atma and Anatma. And that exactly leads him unto Eternal, ever-lasting State , अक्षय पद !

Verse 24

ऐसें बोलें मोक्षपाणी । ऐकोनि शिष्य लोटांगणीं ।
नि:संदेह स्वरूप मिळणीं । दोघे येकचि झालें.  ॥२४॥

Listening to the bestower of Liberation itself thus, the disciple prostrated unto the Master full length. There is no doubt whatever that both of them merged into each other by virtue of the Enlightenment received.

Verse 25

ऐसा कृपाळू स्वामीराव । आदिपुरूष देवाधिदेव ।
शिष्यास निजपदीं ठाव । ऐक्यरूपें दिधला.  ॥२५॥

Indeed, very Lord of Lords , Sat-Chit-Ananda embodied Sadguru Swami the Master is extremely compassionate. He established the Disciple unto the Omniself as one single whole.
In fact, that is the very reason of considering Sadguru as the Lord Of Lord’s by an eligible disciple.

Verse 26

जो शिष्य स्वामी शरण गेला । आणि संदेहा वेगळा झाला ।
तेणें जन्म सार्थक केला । जो देवांसी दुल्लभु.       ॥२६॥

The disciple that offers his entire ego unto to the lotus feet of the Master, his entire doubts and suspicions about the Omniself disappear forever. He fulfils his life, which indeed very difficult for even the Gods !

Verse 27

ग्रंथ संपतां स्तुति उत्त्तरें । बोलताती अपारें ।
परी अर्थासी कारण, येरें । येरा चाड नाही. ॥२७॥

It is a common practice to extol importance of the scripture about to conclude and to describe in detail value of its recitations. However, it is the deep spiritual knowledge enshrined in the scripture that is really important and useful. Everything else is quite superficial anyway.

Verse 28

इति श्री आत्माराम । रामदासीं पूर्णकाम ।
नि:संदेह जालें अंतर्याम । सद्गुरूचरणीं. ॥२८॥

The Scripture Atmaram that fulfils every worldly, other-worldly and spiritual aspirations of the Lord’s Devotees comes to close here. Entire doubts and suspicions stand resolved while listening to it seated alongside the Lotus Feet Of Sadguru.

          “श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम”

          “हरये नम:  हरये नम: हरये नम:”

Jai Sairam !
Dr. P. S. Rahalkar
1 st. February 2018

छान लिहीले आहे . धन्यवाद

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