Friday, November 20, 2015

The Unknown Journey !
One plans elaborately while undertaking journey to a known destination. He or she has some definite information about the place, the location, weather, accommodation, food, safety, means for local transportation, medical assistance etc besides of course plan for return journey as well !
However, most of us never realise importance of the inevitable Unknown Journey, which each one of us must undertake sooner or later and which is just unavoidable anyways !!
One is very naturally scared of even thinking on those lines because of the intrinsic fear associated with the word – the final journey. Nevertheless, some one who has lived a fulfilled life must endeavour to unearth secrets of the final unknown journey.
I have always talked about life and living. I was and am indeed fascinated about my journey on this planet in the present era, which has given everything I wished ( so also things I never wished !). Truly, I am happy for whatever I  AM at Seventy-five.

Which is why I am curious about the Unknown Journey – about which  very few have dared to speak aloud. Various Scriptures including the Bhagwad Geeta explain as to how Yogins lay down their mortal bodies. Perhaps the Garud-Purana explains onward journey of the soul or spirit or Atma for that matter.

I would like to imagine myself as a small droplet falling into an ocean and becoming as big ( as the ocean ) ! Or else, like a spark from burning embers that vanishes into oblivion. ( However, such a spark might as well ‘ignite’ fuel !!)
I would rather like to become rain-filled cloud that can shower bountifully over the parched lands below. Or, would I not like to be cool breeze flowing across Sandal woods comforting the distressed and agitated ?
And that gives me reason to contemplate on the Unknown Journey. I remember to have heard stories of hell and heaven so eloquently narrated by our grand-mother. We saw some mythological films that exhibited ghastly scenes and torture perpetrated in hell, which sowed deep rooted fear in our juvenile minds. Still later, the apparent joys of sensual pleasures gave inklings of heaven too !
However, there was neither time nor inclination to think about ‘life’ yonder.
Some books on experiences shared by people brought back to life after seemingly declared dead made some curiosity being kindled alright, but those could never invite  deeper thought.
In fact, books extolling noble actions, those inspiring to attain perfection in every action, civilised way of leading our life etc never allowed thoughts of life beyond the present one. There is neither need nor urgency to peep into the future.
However, such thoughts do keep surfacing now and again, requesting attention : and therefore a little more of it !

Well, the very title of this write up should be interesting, since the Unknown Journey does not guarantee a ‘return ticket ‘ ! One must venture and trudge all alone, leaving everything including this body behind : no luggage or baggage allowed ! That in itself should make the journey comfortable. It can as well be pleasant if one only plans and prepares in advance. And it is here that exhortations from Scriptures, Saints and Avatars come handy and useful. One’s mindset can be attuned in such a way that he does not entangle in mundane worldly matters. No, one need not abandon any action, leave alone one’s ordained duties: he must work unattached ( to fruits thereof ) .(better said than done !!)

How to keep oneself ready to accept the inevitable journey ? It must require lot of courage, grit and confidence to brace up and an obvious panacea would be to remain mentally unattached to everything – this body, kith and kin, property, friends and foes, places, nations, in fact everything ‘worldly’ !
Difficult ? Indeed : but not impossible . See, if one begins negating everything as ‘not mine’ , “IDAM NA MAMA” , then perhaps it may work positively. After all, ‘me’ and ‘myness’ is a notion for “I” , which does not exist the moment body falls. The Vedanti would argue ‘you are not the body’. Admitted ! However, just think whether the soul, spirit or Atma possess any notion of “I”, ‘me’ or ‘myness’?
Indeed a bone of contention ! Let thinkers, philosophers etc put forward their point of view : I am concerned about the Unknown Journey presently. No, not concerned as such but almost so !!

Have I succeeded in confusing you outright ? OK, then this write up is a success !!!
Dr. P.S.Rahalkar, Pune, 20th Nov. 2015

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