Saturday, May 02, 2015

I Love London…..!
Most certainly!  First of all, because my children are permanent residents here and secondly I just love it because I like it!
We have been visiting this great metropolis for over a decade now and quite frequently too; and every time I tend to discover newer areas of interest.
My first reaction every time we get out of the airport is 'AH! LONDON!!' The cool breeze, refreshing atmosphere, clean streets, orderly traffic, superb cars, the monotony of wayside buildings with almost monotonous colours and absence of ugly hoardings with dirty faces of the politicians is indeed a great relief for the eyes!!
The road routes upto the home are quite familiar by now and a very warm welcome awaits us on reaching home. Indeed, it is just spic and span, nicely decorated with all the lights 'on' including the lamps in the altar or pooja room. We have already been offered tea or coffee at the airport by the children, which we had declined and so fresh hot tea on reaching home is naturally most welcome! All the pleasantries are exchanged, new additions in the house shown and  it's time to open bags containing 'surprises' brought from India!
After a wonderful delicious dinner it's time to retire in warm comfortable beds.

Next morning onwards it is just me and my London!! Full use of the freedom travel pass is made in right earnest and usually my first destination is 'central london' (which I frequent more often than even a Londoner!!). I just love to move around the 'Strand', the Traffalgar square, down to the Big-Ben, Parliament Square, Westminster abbey, right upto Victoria station!
I like to collect and recollect every single moment spent there, looking at hoardes of 'tourists' from all over the globe, the bee-line of London transport buses and the peculiar and spectacular 'taxies', which only London can boast of,- immaculately clean buses and taxies, literally dreamlike!
It seems I have seen almost every nook and corner of the town and at the expense of some monotony I must admit that I just admire it!
The Thames, although with muddy waters, reminds  me of Winston Churchill’s' description of  she being a silver necklace! I do treat her like the Ganges, the Jeevan-Vahini! (In Marathi she is called 'Tamasaa') I like to travel right down to Richmond where she has just appeared as a river (beyond that she was only a rivulet or stream)! I like to see various types of birds flocking it and am frequently surprised as to how ducks and swans thrive so freely allover the lakes around the town unharmed!!
More often than not, the streets, lanes and by-lanes and terraces of the houses are studded with bunches of beautiful flowers and creepers; indeed a magnificent site to behold! Nobody ever 'plucks' the flowers or fruit so abundantly blossomed!
Every person, be it a child, an adult or old one, follows strict discipline of not scattering litter anywhere and everywhere; he or she would look out for a dust bin (which are most certainly nearby and in plenty!). It is an inborn or perhaps a mandatory trait they inherit.
Another interesting observation is that 'eateries' all over London are always full, and 'take-aways' is a common practice. It is very common to see people 'eating' while walking! In trains or the undeground, one is welcomed most of the times with mild and pleasant fragrance all around (emanating from the persona of the beings, the deodorants, heavily sprayed on their selves!) and majority of the commuters like to open a book or newspaper and get engrossed until their destination arrives. It's mostly a silent travel with no chatter around, except for the shrill noise of the rails underneath!!
I enjoy visiting various Libraries, which are very well managed, free of cost and heavily frequented by readers. It is indeed heartening to note that people here are still interested in reading or borrowing books, although laptops or mobile phones is gradually but definitely taking over.
Journey by various trains is another pastime I enjoy. I have travelled far and wide in various underground trains, the National trains in all four sectors, the Overground, DLR as well as trams down south! I know most of the bus-routes as well, particularly those in south-east and central zones and can confidently suggest the route to the unwary!
I like to taste various cuisines right from english breakfast (minus bacon!) up to fish & chips until our last trip here. (This time I never felt like indulging in the same though!)
I like to listen to the conversations going on while commuting in a bus  particularly amongst the elderly citizens (because those are mostly the very ones aboard!) And surprisingly, I can make out an english from  european or russian dialect!
I am occasionally saddened by looking at their plight or helplessness, while elated too witnessing their self-confidence of being self-dependent. I can sense the warmth they exude while with their  grand-children if ever they happen to be along!

Overall, I enjoy being here and believe me, visiting england has definitely kept me alert and watchful over the years, which perhaps wouldn't happen had I continued an otherwise drab life back home in India. (Nevertheless, various activities in the 'elder's clubs' we participate in do keep us psychologically and spiritually active undoubtedly!)

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