Friday, April 21, 2006


education in human values


Sri Sathya SAI Education In Human Values is a teaching methodology to help children understand the importance of Human values in Living. The programme's logo is the 'Tree of Life ', WHICH BEARS FIVE FRUITS, USED TO SYMBOLISE THE FIVE CORE HUMAN VALUES OF love, truth,peace, right conduct and non-violance. This is a universal teaching programme for children of all cultures and faiths, creating a better Society for today and future generations. iT'S A MULTI-CULTURAL, MULTI-FAITH, SELF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD.It helps children to explore concepts of right and wrong through th use of story-telling, role play, songs, plays and drama. It is a simple educational tool designed to help develop Positive Values in the young, so that children and young adults become fit for Life, rather than just fit for ensuring a 'good' living. SSEHV is part of the process of EDUCARE.

Why Human Values programme ?
-- To stem the disintegration reflected in increasing crime, bullying, drug abuse, theft, vandalism anti-social behaviour.

The programme also adresses the criteria of a program of study for Educating for Citizenship.

The programme is rapidly spreading in popularity and has been developed and culturally adapted for use in numerous countries, across the Continants, around the world. Schools in over 170 countries now use the SSEHV programme and it has received a favourable response from the UNESCO , who have given the program a recognition, and wished it success in furthering the cause for world peace through education.

The SSEHV program seeks to help Teachers, Parents and Children to RE-FOCUS on the basic positive values that underline all aspects of a Moral Society.

The program is designed to help young people to be in touch with their own feelings and nurture awareness of the qualities within themselves which form good Character and Behaviour.

It gives a unique vision and Holistic Personality Development as well as its Spiritual leanings.

It underlines the motto ---

An illustration might help in highlighting the importance of Values imbibed properly--

You are a teacher and you had a student in your class who was essentially dim-witted, lazy , and did not pay attention to his lessons. Imagine, you go to him and ask him to concentrate and study harder, and he were to reply, "Sir, it is much more to life than studies"--- that would be one kind of answer. Imagine now, that in the same class you had another student , who was the exact opposite,- extremely intelligent, conscientious and hard working; Someone who regularly secured the highest grades, and recently even received a Gold medal for his acdemic brilliance. You go upto this student to congratulate him for his feat, and you get a reply like- "Thank you Sir, but you know,'there is much more to life than studies'....

In this example, both students provided to you exactly the same answer, but which of these students would you respect more ??

EHV brings out the best in the students, and therefore make them not only academically perfect, but makes them Complete Human Beings, worth respect and adoration

Jai Sai Ram

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